Category: From the Field

  • OTS Using New IT Examination Questionnaire

    I’m not sure if this is being used across the board for all OTS exams, or just regionally, but the new pre-examination form (officially called PERK, or Preliminary Examination Response Kit) is significantly more comprehensive…

  • Looking back – 2010 compliance hits & misses

    Every year about this time, I’m asked to look ahead to the upcoming year and prognosticate on regulatory compliance trends.  I  intend to do just that in a future post, but today I wanted to do something very few other prognosticators do…look back at last years’ predictions and see which ones hit and which missed…

  • The IT Steering Committee – Should or Must?

    At a recent user group meeting of one of the major core vendors for community banks, I asked the question ‘how many of you use an IT or Tech Steering Committee?’.  I was expecting a vast majority of hands to go up, but only about half did.  This was surprising to me, given that: The…

  • 5 Key Elements of Risk Management

    As a financial institution, it sometimes seems that everything you do requires a risk assessment.  Information security, disaster recovery, ID theft, remote deposit capture, outsourcing, in fact the term “risk assessment” appears 215 times in the FFIEC IT Examination Handbooks.  But a risk assessment is only one step of a five step risk management process…and…

  • Thankful for…Appendix A?!

    When you were a kid, you hated the “pop quiz” right?  But if the teacher allowed you to use your notes and textbooks, you felt like you at least had a fighting chance.  I’ve taken both proctored and “open book” certification exams, and I’ve always felt that open-book exams more accurately reflected how most of…

  • Dodd-Frank and regulatory compliance

    In an excellent article by Lori Moore of ATTUS Technologies, she states that there are multiple reasons why bank examiners may be ramping up scrutiny: “Examiners who may already be on the defensive in regard to criticism about their actions prior to the fall 2008. Examiners who now have the Dodd-Frank Act on their side,…