Category: Hot Topics

  • SOC 2 vs. SAS 70 – 5 reasons to embrace the change

    The SOC 2 and SOC 3 audit guides have recently been released by the AICPA, and the SAS 70 phase-out becomes effective tomorrow.  The more I learn about these new reports the more I like them.  First of all, as a service provider to financial institutions we will have to prepare for this engagement (just…

  • Time to re-think the role of the network administrator?

    Traditionally, the network administrator needed to operate at “ground-level”. Network maintenance was highly specialized and problematic, requiring a constant hands-on approach. And in the very early days (when the Guru started… “he who speaks of floppy disks”…) there were few formal training classes, most of what you learned was by trial and error…lots of error!…

  • Vendor Management and the SAS 70 Replacement

    I’ve written about the replacement for the SAS 70, which officially phases out on June 15th, previously.  But because this one report is being replaced with 3 new reports, financial institutions have an additional challenge that they didn’t have before.  Your vendor management program must now determine the most appropriate report to request based on…

  • A Recurring Theme in FDIC Consent Orders

    If you look at any of the recent FDIC Consent Orders, you will quickly see a common theme.  I randomly pulled a few off the top of the list, and the verbiage was very similar, and in many cases identical: …the Board shall enhance its participation in the affairs of the Bank …the Bank’s board…

  • The RSA breach, and 5 things you should do

    For those of us already waiting for the latest update on guidance from the FFIEC on Internet Authentication, the news of the recent RSA SecurID breach complicates things a bit. One-time password (OTP) hardware devices (tokens…

  • Risk Managing Social Media – 4 Challenges

    Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+…the decision to establish an on-line presence is a very popular topic these days, and it is extremely easy to do, but effectively managing social media risk can be frustratingly complicated.  In many ways. it just doesn’t lend itself to traditional risk management techniques, so the standard pre-entry justification process is much…