Category: Hot Topics

  • FDIC can now step in regardless of primary regulator (part 1)

    According to a memorandum of understanding just signed by all the primary federal regulators (FDIC, OTS, OCC and Fed), the FDIC now has the authority to step in whenever they feel the DIF (deposit insurance fund) is in jeopardy. Although this is primarily targeted at larger (>$10b) institutions, it also applies to smaller (<$10b) institutions…

  • Updates to the Retail Payment Systems Handbook

    Recent updates to the FFIEC handbooks: Retail Payment Systems, March 2010

  • Reg Flag enforcement delayed until 12/31/10

    The FTC has decided to further delay the enforcement of the “Red Flags” rule (although this does NOT affect the original 11/1/2008 deadline for compliance). This is the second delay since the rule became effective 1/1/2008. Institutions should have a policy and procedures in place NOW, as examiners will undoubtedly be checking policy revision and…