Tag: Examination

  • Examination Experience Survey – preliminary results

    Although the survey is still open, I wanted to discuss one particular trend that I find interesting.  (If you’ve already participated, thank you!  Please pass the link on to a colleague at another institution.  If you haven’t had a chance to fill it out, please do so.  The survey will remain open until 8/19). One…

  • BCP plans continue to draw criticism

    In a recent FDIC IT Examination, the examiner made the following criticism of the institutions’ DR/BCP: “Business continuity planing should focus on all critical business functions that need to be recovered to resume operations. Continuity planing for technology alone should no longer be the primary focus of a BCP, but rather viewed as one critical…

  • Audits vs. Examinations

    As I speak with those in financial institutions responsible for responding to audit and examination requests, I find that there is considerable confusion over the differences between the two.  And some of this confusion is understandable…there is certainly some overlap between them, but there are also considerable differences in the nature and scope of each…

  • The IT Strategic Plan – Why, Who, & How

    One of the most common examination findings recently (particularly with the FDIC) has been the lack of an IT Strategic Plan.  I’m not sure why the focus lately (perhaps the shift from the CAMELS “A” to the “M”?), but the concept is certainly not new.  The regulatory mandate for it is found in the 2004…

  • Using Technology to Drive Compliance

    In the past year to year and a half, nearly all of the IT examination findings I’ve seen have in the broad category of “documentation”, or more specifically, lack thereof.  In other words, policies and procedures were satisfactory, but documentation was either non-existent, or insufficient, to demonstrate that actual practices followed policy and procedure. To…

  • A Recurring Theme in FDIC Consent Orders

    If you look at any of the recent FDIC Consent Orders, you will quickly see a common theme.  I randomly pulled a few off the top of the list, and the verbiage was very similar, and in many cases identical: …the Board shall enhance its participation in the affairs of the Bank …the Bank’s board…