Top Topics for 2011

Top Topics for 2011

With every one else doing their end-of-the-year top ten lists, I thought I might join in and see what topics were most popular with visitors to the Compliance Guru site in 2011.  There were a total of almost 24,000 page views, and here are the 5 most popular blog posts with view counts:


  1. AICPA finalizes SAS 70 replacement
  1. Vendor Management and the SAS 70 Replacement
  1. Interpreting The New FFIEC Authentication Guidance – 5 Steps to Compliance
  1. SAS 70 replacement…3 alternatives
  1. 5 Key Elements of Risk Management


So there was definitely a trend here…3 of the top 5 searches related to the AICPA phase-out of the SAS 70!

Something else I found interesting was the search term people used to find the Compliance Guru site.  This is another pretty good indication of what people are concerned about.  Here are the top 5 keywords:


  1. “sas 70 replacement”
  1. “sas70 replacement”
  1. “bank service company act”
  1. “ffiec”
  1. “key elements of risk management”


No surprise that the SAS 70 again dominated, but I thought “bank service company act” was a bit surprising.  One of the biggest reasons folks search for terms like this is when they hear them from an auditor or examiner for the first time, so I take this as an indication that the BSCA may be a continuing trend going into 2012.

I may have other lists as I continue to review the data, but since the SAS 70 is so popular here is a shortcut to all blog posts related to that subject, most recent first:

See you all in 2012!

Tom Hinkel
As author of the Compliance Guru website, Hinkel shares easy to digest information security tidbits with financial institutions across the country. With almost twenty years’ experience, Hinkel’s areas of expertise spans the entire spectrum of information technology. He is also the VP of Compliance Services at Safe Systems, a community banking tech company, where he ensures that their services incorporate the appropriate financial industry regulations and best practices.

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